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African Membrane Society AMSIC

African Membrane Society International Conferences are held bi-yearly moving from one geographic section of Africa to another
The conferences bring together Experts from Africa and around the world, in industry experts, and expatriates to discuss the latest advances and applications in Membrane Technology

AMSIC 3 2021 was held in
Dakar, Senegal at the
Museum of Black Civilizations
Hosted by the Ecole Superieure Polytechnique, of Universite Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar

AMSIC 1 was held in 2016
in Sfax, Tunisia
Hosted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Sfax

The AMSIC 4 Conference will be in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
November 5th to 8th , 2024

AMSIC 2 was held in 2018
at the University of South Africa
in Johannesburg (UNISA), South Africa
Hosted by the Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (NanoWS) Research Unit on the Science Campus of UNISA

AMSIC 's First organizational meeting was held in Bamako, Mali where its headquarters still reside.

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